This marked the debut show in Ireland for a trio of talented artists that are starting to generate quite a media buzz. Comprising of sisters Emillie and Bethany Kay and their cousin Meghann Loney, this trinity of family members deliver a show that is high on energy, with plenty of soaring melodies and terrific harmony vocals that leave a big impression on the audience. It is a decent turn out for a show that slipped under the radar with little real promotional activity and those who attended were not disappointed as the three musicians gave everything to a performance that really impressed.
Concentrating mainly on their current release, WILDWOOD KIN (2019), the songs contain messages of love, loss, being positive, spirituality and healing words. They first came to the attention of Sony at a show in London and were signed on the back of their performance. An EP in 2015 was followed by their debut album in 2017, TURNING TIDES, and they have been turning heads ever since with a gathering momentum that saw a number of singles released, followed by an EP of covers in 2018, before the release of this current record.
Their live sound is focused around the very percussive playing of Meg on drums and percussion, while the combined vocals of all three rise above the rhythm to deliver sweet harmonies. All this is augmented by Beth on keyboards, bouzouki, shaker and acoustic guitar, with Emillie playing acoustic and electric guitars to add additional layers to the overall sound.
Four tracks from their debut are featured, Steady My Heart, Hold On, Run and the call to arms that is Warrior Daughter – a song of female empowerment and a message that is repeated on the closing song of the set, Time Has Come – a call to action and having self-belief. A cover version of Stevie Wonder’s song Higher Ground is full of energy and drive and Signals asks that we look for the signs to maintain balance and plot a straight course.
The new songs are equally impressive and the message of love and support on All Of Me is also repeated on Never Alone, a very personal song that Meg explains was written in honour of her brother who suffered from depression and sadly took his own life. Out of such crippling sadness comes a hope that others will never feel on their own and will reach out for help.
Wake Up Sleeper and Breathe are songs that urge taking stock, starting over and staying open to change, but it is the superb Beauty In Your Brokenness and its message of believing in yourself that leaves the greatest impression. Uplifting stuff and given the gap in the market for this style of contemporary music, a clear path lies ahead for this band who deliver great positivity in their message.
Review and photograph by Paul McGee